1st Eucharistic Celebration by the new Parish Priest

Fr Stanislaus Soosaimariam, our newly appointed Parish Priest celebrated Mass on the second day since he started his administrative here in Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus, KL. The Mass was celebrated at 7 pm on Tuesday, 11th January 2022 as a collaborative Mass with the former administrator, Fr Edwin Peter.

A good number of 100 parishioners came together to celebrate the Eucharist and to welcome Fr Stan. In his homily, Fr Stan shared on the Gospel on Jesus’ mission to serve was about love and compassion. Upon concluding the Eucharist celebration, Fr Stan addressed his gratitude towards Fr Edwin for his humble and kind help to hand over the administration of the parish smoothly. Both Fathers also shared about the friendship that they held for many years and the bond has brought closeness between them to these days.

After the Mass, the parishioners were seen greeting Fr Stan and some were seen to be introducing themselves too.