Lenten Spiritual Journey Formation in Tamil

A Lenten Spiritual Journey program was held in Tamil by Msgr Stanislaus with the main title ‘Life in Jesus through discipleship’. Organized for the parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus, KL by the Tamil Prayer Ministry during this season of Lent benefited approximately 50 people who attended this 1 day program. Started with hymn and praise in the morning, the program was led by Msgr Stan with 2 sessions. After the lunch break, the session continued till 4 pm. In his session, Msgr explained about the Lenten journey, growing in faith assuring that God is with us at all times, he also explained about St. Paul’s discipleship life and concluded on Apostleships. It was a fruitful session for all that attended especially a good reflection during this season of praying, fasting, and almsgiving.