KUALA LUMPUR: The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began her nine-day Novena and Mass on June 18.
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is also the Day of Sanctification of the Clergy, which falls on June 24. Several priests were present at the 11.00am Mass, specially dedicated to the clergy and presided over by Archbishop Julian Leow.
The prelate, in his address, invited the faithful to recognise and pray for all priests. He called the laity to reflect on the priests who had baptised us, bishops who had confirmed us, married us, buried our loved ones, and those who are still journeying with us. He
also urged us to continue to pray for them always. There was also the anointing of the sick during Mass.
In the evening, the Novena and Mass were celebrated by Fr John Anandan OFM Cap and a special blessing was held to consecrate families to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as it was the Day of Sanctification of the Families. Parish priest, Mgr Stanislaus Soosaimariam, and parishioners were delighted to come together to celebrate the nine-day Novena and Mass with guest priest and friends after a two-year break.