KUALA LUMPUR – A Liturgical workshop was held here in the Parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kuala Lumpur attended by 51 parishioners comprising of liturgy representative, BEC core team members, and a ministry representative on Saturday, 18th February 2023. The two hours workshop was organized by the parish’s Liturgy ministry where in addressing the participants, Msgr Stanislaus gave a brief explanation of what is Liturgy and its importance.
He highlighted Liturgy, the Eucharistic celebration or Mass means public worship of a Christian congregation in the name of Jesus Christ. Besides Mass, Divine Office is another form of public worship involving the liturgical prayers of the church. He also explained how Jesus is the mediator between humans and God in every Mass which allows us to experience the impacts of suffering, death, and resurrection of the Paschal Mystery. Therefore, our bodily gestures of kneeling, standing, and sitting display at the various appropriate part of the liturgy are signs of uniformity and unity of the community in worshipping God.
The main objective of this workshop was to guide participants on the writing of commentary and prayer of faithful with a meaningful theme and details. Presentation slides were prepared to show the steps and points to write a commentary as many important details were highlighted such as the introduction of the liturgical calendar day/week, and to inform the congregation of any special celebration or events celebrated in the Mass. The workshop also covers how to find the readings from the lectionary.
For the prayer of the faithful, it was affirmed that the spiritual goal of these prayers is to draw the faithful closer to God. Indicated that these prayers were to be kept simple and short, many ideas were shared and thought on how to categorize the prayers and the best ways to compose a prayer based on the scripture readings. During this session, the participants formed into small groups where they worked together to compose commentary and prayer of faithful as an exercise. Participants were also encouraged to refer to the Ordo, Parish bulletin, Missal, and Herald to find essential information in their composing.
Many who attended the workshop provided feedback that they have a better understanding and are more confident in crafting the commentary and prayer of the faithful.