Representatives from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Tamil Apostolate Youth Ministry attended the 2B: Belonging & Becoming youth program from the 10th to 12th of March 2023. Youths from all across the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese gathered at Champagnat Youth Centre in Port Dickson for a joyful get-together that was organized by the Archdiocesan Single Adults and Youth Office Kuala Lumpur (ASAYO Kuala Lumpur).
Keeping in mind the primary focus of strengthening youths’ sense of belonging to the church, a series of talks and discovery sessions were held. The activities include a talk on ‘The Value of Belonging’ by Brother Antony Robert. The youths were then prompted to share and explore the needs and challenges facing young people today. ASAYO also made it a point to appreciate and showcase young people’s talents during Talent Time. Speaking on outreach, Sister Laura presented a session on ‘Becoming’, which led the youths to think of ways to guide their friends to the Lord.
2B: Belonging & Becoming was indeed a success as the participation of youths was not only celebrated but encouraged as well. Encouraging and reminding young people of our essential values of outreach and love should be a top priority because they are the future of the church.