KUALA LUMPUR – The Tamil Apostolic Ministry of the Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus organized a formation titled – ‘Lenten Journey Experience’. One day session was conducted by the Parish Priest, Msgr Stanislaus Soosamariam in Tamil on Saturday, 18th March 2023. This formation was held in conjunction with the Lenten Season for all the Tamil speaking community within the parish and also for all the parishes of the KL South District.
During the opening of the session, Msgr Stanislaus called the participants to do a short reflection on their expectations, the target, and ways to achieve their thoughts/plans on their Lenten journey. Then he continued his talks on the journey of Lent touching based on the ‘Transfiguration’ in the Bible and the life of Abraham and Sarah. In this part of the talk, he concluded the meaning of Transforming in faith with God, where one may have to go through many challenges; struggles, and sorrow in this life event, then transform in faith to experience God in our life which would bring joy.
In the second part of the talk, Msgr Stanislaus continued with the question ‘What do we need to reach the target of our Lenten journey?’ Many key points were discussed, such as the Word of God, the Sacraments of the Church, and the Rosary. In conclusion, he stressed on the Lenten Journey should be a reflection on ourselves and this journey is a ‘desert journey’ which means many challenges involved and the reward would be greater in God. So, if one understands this journey, then this would turn out to be a Journey of the Soul.
Ninety attendees who benefitted from this formation were from the Sacred Heart Parish community, Church of St. Ignatius, PJ, and Church of St. Francis Assisi, Cheras.